A special cosmetic bag gift for orders over 80 EUR!

Beauty of good habit!

Free delivery over EUR 50 in Croatia!

Make up pocket mirror Make up pocket mirror Make up pocket mirror Make up pocket mirror
Make up pocket mirror
Make up pocket mirror
Make up pocket mirror
Make up pocket mirror

Make up pocket mirror


Modern design, incredibly lightweight and slim profile, and a stainless steel rim, complete with a vegan leather pouch that fits perfectly into any handbag.
There is 1 mirror in the packaging.

12.00 EUR / 1 piece

Enjoy shopping with us with free shipping on orders over EUR 50 for Croatia.
Delivery for Croatia is up to 7 working days. International delivery 10 – 14 working days.
Premium quality croatian product. Natural cosmetic. No animal testing.
The shade of the product may differ from the one shown in the photos.
Any questions? Write us at

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Make up pocket mirror

Frankly good make up pocket mirror is a must-have product for your daily beauty routine. With its modern design, incredibly lightweight and slim profile, and a stainless steel rim, complete with a vegan leather pouch that fits perfectly into any handbag. It is designed to make your usage effortless, allowing for three adjustable tilt positions for your utmost convenience.

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  • (5)

"stane u svaku torbu"

toliko je tanko da mi ne smeta ni u najmanjoj torbi koju imam,a pakiranje je baš moćno, bas za pokloniti nekome, svima treba ogledalo.:)

  • (5)

"Divno malo lijepo čudo :)"

Ne znam kako dovoljno nahvaliti!? Baš pomaže što je tako malo, a opet samostalno stoji dok se šminkam i ne moram ga držati u ruci, kada sam negdje vani ili kada nemam opciju velikog ogledala!

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