Beauty comes from the inside and the outside. It comes from nature, but also from laboratories and science. It comes from adapting to the times we live in, but also from centuries-old habits. We believe in products that are useful and good for us, wherever they come from. We took only the good and useful of both worlds !
As the ambassadors of proven ingredients, we create preparative and decorative cosmetics that preserve the natural pH and barrier of the skin, but we can't do it all by ourselves. We believe that everyone should contribute to their own beauty through healthy habits – sufficient sleep, adequate water intake, healthy diet and exercise.
About ingredientsBe #Habulous
Live #Habulous
Feel #Habulous
Sufficient sleep
Adequate water intake
Healthy diet
Completely honest about the ingredients
Transparent production processes
Our intentions are pure
Natural look
Positive influence
Promoting healthy habits
The Scandinavian lifestyle is hygge, and ours is habulous!
Habulous is a way of living that promotes the importance of good habits and routines, which are crucial for beauty – all those that arise from everyday life and those related to Frankly good. We do not change the first ones, but we inspire and encourage the change. Frankly good is here to enrich and improve all healthy habits.
And that's why our motto is Beauty of Good Habits!
One of our main goals is to promote natural beauty, which is always complemented by sincere emotions. With a sincere smile, no one will notice your wrinkles or dark circles around your eyes, but we know that with good habits and proven ingredients, you can also delay those wrinkles for a while, and emphasize your beautiful smile with your favourite shade of lipstick. That's exactly why we want Frankly good to be the cherry on top of your healthy habits and that the only thing that your face shows – are sincere emotions!
One of our main goals is to promote natural beauty, which is always complemented by sincere emotions. With a sincere smile, no one will notice your wrinkles or dark circles around your eyes, but we know that with good habits and proven ingredients, you can also delay those wrinkles for a while, and emphasize your beautiful smile with your favourite shade of lipstick. That's exactly why we want Frankly good to be the cherry on top of your healthy habits and that the only thing that your face shows – are sincere emotions!
Franka as well, just like everyone else, has two sides. One that is visible to the public, and the other one revealed only to those closest to her. However, both of these sides make us who we are and we should not run away from them. Although the Frankly good base is of natural origin, sometimes this is just not enough. That's why we don't run away from the other, scientific side that makes our products sustainable.
There is no better feeling than emphasizing natural beauty with beauty products of proven quality! That's exactly why Frankly good is here with its harmless ingredients, which are also locally relevant. We are completely honest about them, equally emphasizing the importance of natural as well as laboratory ingredients.
However, we believe that inner beauty comes with good habits – a healthy diet, adequate water intake and enough sleep. You are in charge of that part, but we promise to keep reminding you about it. And if we take care of the beauty routine together, the only thing that your skin will show are sincere emotions!
Svatko od nas je poseban! Pronađi proizvode za sebe.
There is no better feeling than emphasizing natural beauty with beauty products of proven quality!
@ITS.FRANKLYGOODThis time opt for a slightly different gift. Choose what reflects your current mood or how you feel about someone. Let Frankly good be the reason why only positive emotions will show on faces of your loved ones!
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