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Beauty of good habit!

Ice Twice Baby Ice Twice Baby Ice Twice Baby Ice Twice Baby Ice Twice Baby Ice Twice Baby
Ice Twice Baby
Ice Twice Baby
Ice Twice Baby
Ice Twice Baby
Ice Twice Baby
Ice Twice Baby

Ice Twice Baby


A nourishing lipgloss with a long-lasting hydrating and smoothing effect, owing to its hyaluronic acid content. For a natural lip plumpness and radiant shine. Can be applied alone or over Frankly Good matte liquid lipstick.

22.00 EUR / 5 ml

Enjoy shopping with us with free shipping on orders over EUR 50 for Croatia.
Delivery for Croatia is up to 7 working days. International delivery 10 – 14 working days.
Premium quality croatian product. Natural cosmetic. No animal testing.
The shade of the product may differ from the one shown in the photos.
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Olive leaf extract – suitable for all skin types: dry skin due to slowerabsorption, and mixed and sensitive skin because it reducesinflammatory processes, itching and rashes.

Grape seeds

Grape seeds

Grapeseed oil – nourishes your skin and helps it reflect its tone; regularuse of products with this ingredient helps the skin restore its glow.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid – for hydrated, elastic, and soft lips.

1. Applicator

Apply the gloss using our applicator.

2. Beauty hack

Beauty hack – for a glossy lip effect, when using the Frankly good line of matte liquid lipsticks, we recommend applying Ice Twice Baby gloss.


Purchase this product in a set:

Natural look. Shinier, hydrated, and fuller lips. No fillers.

A nourishing lipgloss with a long-lasting hydrating and smoothing effect, owing to its content of the hyaluronic acid. For a natural lip plumpness and radiant shine. It does not stick to the lips, leaving you with an uncomfortable feeling. Because Ice Twice Baby leaves the lips smoother, fuller and hydrated, with a completely glossy finish!

It can be applied alone, and for a glossy effect, when using the Frankly Good line of matte liquid lipsticks, we recommend applying lipgloss. This will give you a completely new and fun dimension! For a glossy effect, enhancing lipstick colour or fuller lips. Three looks with only two products, it’s just plain amazing – isn’t it?!

Hyaluronic formula. Olive oil, olive leaf extract and grapeseed oil.

The power of hyaluronic acid lies in its ability to collect moisture, which makes the lip skin hydrated, elastic, radiant, soft, and firm.

Very early in her life, while growing up in Istria among her family's olive groves, Franka became aware of the benefits that olives bring. Even the Bible mentions medicinal properties of olives and olive oil. Istrian Malvasia is well-known all over the world. But the medicinal properties of grape seeds are also renowned; they contain high concentrations of vitamin E, flavonoids, linolenic acid and the oligomeric proanthocyanidin complex, with a strong antioxidant effect. Grapeseed oil is ideal for your skin, especially owing to its emollient properties.

That is why olive leaf extract and grapeseed oil are the two most important ingredients of Frankly good lipgloss.

Ice Twice Baby

Why Ice? Try it and check out its icy gloss. And twice? Because with it, you will turn matte to glossy!

Find out this

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  • (5)

"Jako dobar proizvod 😍"

Gusto, sjajno… bas napravi neki staklasti efekt na ustima… imam i ovo drugo sjajilo smeckasto i jako je dobro za dnevnu i vecernju varijantu make up-a… voljela bi da imate vise nijansi s istim formulama, to je jedini minus😍

  • (5)

"Savrseno sjajilo"

Toliko je dobro sto je gusce i ne treba ga stalno nanositi. Kupila sam ga i kceri .

  • (5)

"Čista petica!"

Čim je hijaluronska kiselina, ja sam oduševljena!Stvarno hidratizira usne. Ali kakav sjaj, uf!!!. I nije težak, super osjećaj. Probala sam i preko mat ruža, odličan je uz Poppy field!

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